Forwarded on behalf of OPSE
The Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) in cooperation with North Bay Mining Week, MIRARCO Mining Innovation, and Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) North Bay Chapter presents:
Spark the Fire – Realizing the Untapped Potential of Ontario’s North
Ontario’s Ring of Fire represents a $60-billion multi-generational economic opportunity, arguably the world’s most promising mineral development project in more than a century. However, this potential is shrouded by both technical and societal challenges, multi-level political decision-making, dynamic risks, and palpable uncertainty.
The scale and complexity of these challenges makes the Ring of Fire a mega-project. As born problem solvers, it is time that Ontario’s engineers ask themselves:
How can engineers spark the fire and help realize the untapped potential of Ontario’s north?
Join engineering, industry, government, academic, and First Nations leaders for an important discussion on the future of Ontario’s north. On innovation, energy, infrastructure, environmental stewardship, and relations with First Nations Communities—our broad spectrum of presenters will be answering tough questions and charting the future development of Ontario’s north.
For all those of you who are interested in attending this event, Registration is now open. More details on the main event can be found at:
For further information, please contact Patrick Sackville directly using the contact information provided below, and not PEO, PEO Algonquin Chapter or CRPEG.
Patrick Sackville
Lead, Policy and Government Relations | Tel 416.223.9961 X 225 |