Tentative Agreement Reached

A tentative collective agreement has been reached between Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) and the Chalk River Professional Employee Group (CRPEG).

Two ratification meetings will be held simultaneously on 06/12/2018 at 5 pm at the Deep River Legion, and CRL Cafeteria.  Details of the agreement will be presented followed by ratification vote.


CRPEG Bulletin (2018 October 31): Result of Special Meeting- Strike Vote

October 30, 2018 CRPEG held a special meeting to discuss negotiations of our collective agreement. All terms of the CRPEG offer of settlement and the CNL counter offer were shared with the members. The CRPEG negotiations team is now at a standstill with CNL. Our collective agreement expired December 31, 2017.

Over 360 members were in attendance at the meeting. Our members have cast an overwhelming majority vote in favour of strike action if an agreement cannot be reached.


CRPEG Bulletin (2017 May 5): FW: Upcoming CNS-ZED-2 Summer School Seminar

As forwarded from CNS

The Chalk River Branch of the Canadian Nuclear Society is pleased to offer a seminar entitled “Applications of Accelerators to Nuclear R&D”:
Where:     JL Gray – Bennett Room (Back Entrance)
When:     Wednesday, May 31st
Refreshments/Reception at 6:00 pm, Talk at 6:30 pm
Who:      Dr. Bill Diamond
Price:     Free, Open to the Public


Accelerators have been used for research at the forefront of Sub-Atomic Physics since their earliest development.
The continuous improvements in accelerator technology required to support the user communities has led to very robust technologies for both positive-ion and electron accelerators. This talk will explore several applications of electron accelerators that are possible with the accelerator technologies that have become available in the past few years. Electron accelerators are gaining wider applications in the production of medical isotopes, particularly some of the emerging isotopes such as Sc-47, Cu-67 and alpha emitters used for targeted alpha treatments. Photonuclear reactions can be used for loop experiments to produce intense heat, neutron emission and a modest fission rates with uranium fuel inside a pressure tube. The final idea discussed is the potential to produce an intense pulsed neutron source for neutron scattering applications.

Speaker Information

Bill Diamond received his PhD in Nuclear Physics from the University of Toronto in 1974 and then switched to Accelerator Physics for the next 23 years. He moved to the USA in 1976 for 13 years, working at Columbia University for two years followed by 6 years at Schlumberger-Doll Research Center in Connecticut (an oil services company) and 5 years at the Thomas-Jefferson Laboratories in Virginia. He worked on a variety of accelerator technologies ranging in size from a miniature (d,t) neutron generator for use in oil wells up to a high-energy superconducting rf electron linear accelerator at a new US Department of Energy facility in Virginia. Bill returned to CRNL in 1989 to work at the Tandem Accelerator Super Conducting Cyclotron (TASCC) facility. He conducted some key underlying research in high-voltage breakdown in vacuum before the TASCC facility was shut down in 1997. Bill then worked on developing novel mechanical components for CANDU reactors, including the CANDU 6, the ACR, and the Canadian Supercritical-Water Reactor (SCWR). Bill retired from CRL in 2010 and continued to work on several accelerator projects including facility design and safety analysis for a new Tandem accelerator facility at Queen’s University and as part of a small team at the Canadian Light Source, developing the use of an electron accelerator to produce the medical isotope, moly-99. Bill has worked on many aspects of accelerator technology, from underlying research through engineering, construction, operations and maintenance activities on at least six different types of accelerators. This experience, combined with many years working on CANDU reactors, enables Bill to bring a unique view to the topic of this speech.

A CNS membership is not required to attend this seminar; all are welcome. For more information, please contact Aidan Leach (613-584-3311 x44599 or 613-633-1158).

CRPEG Bulletin (2017 April 25): Work being Done to Keep the Pension Plan: FW: [External] Fwd: CANW – Membership Survey

If you were at the ratification vote you would have heard us talk about the CERI pension plan, and you may have heard that CERI is our plan B for our pension. CRPEG along with the other unions have formed a lobbying group with the express purpose of convincing the stakeholders, MPs, Treasury Board, and the PMO, that keeping CNL as part of the PSSA not only makes sense for the employees, is not the burden on the government as it was perceived but may also be a benefit to national interest in that it is an incentive to attract and retain talent to support Canada’s science and technology laboratory. Already in April this group spent a week talking to the various stakeholders and they had questions. The group is going back to Ottawa again in May to meet again with the answers to those questions.

They need your help. The group has put together a short survey they would like you to participate in that will give them direct input that they can use in their lobbying efforts. We would encourage you all to take a few minutes in support of us staying in the PSSA.

CRPEG Bulletin (2017 April 24): Fw: OPSE talk: Spark the Fire – Realizing the Untapped Potential of Ontario’s North

Forwarded on behalf of OPSE


The Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) in cooperation with North Bay Mining Week, MIRARCO Mining Innovation, and Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) North Bay Chapter presents:

Spark the Fire – Realizing the Untapped Potential of Ontario’s North

Ontario’s Ring of Fire represents a $60-billion multi-generational economic opportunity, arguably the world’s most promising mineral development project in more than a century. However, this potential is shrouded by both technical and societal challenges, multi-level political decision-making, dynamic risks, and palpable uncertainty.
The scale and complexity of these challenges makes the Ring of Fire a mega-project. As born problem solvers, it is time that Ontario’s engineers ask themselves:
How can engineers spark the fire and help realize the untapped potential of Ontario’s north?
Join engineering, industry, government, academic, and First Nations leaders for an important discussion on the future of Ontario’s north. On innovation, energy, infrastructure, environmental stewardship, and relations with First Nations Communities—our broad spectrum of presenters will be answering tough questions and charting the future development of Ontario’s north.
For all those of you who are interested in attending this event, Registration is now open. More details on the main event can be found at: https://www.ospe.on.ca/spark-the-fire.
For further information, please contact Patrick Sackville directly using the contact information provided below, and not PEO, PEO Algonquin Chapter or CRPEG.

Patrick Sackville
Lead, Policy and Government Relations | Tel 416.223.9961 X 225 | patrick@ospe.on.ca

CRPEG Bulletin (2017 April 19): Changes to Vacation Leave in Oracle

Well April 1 is here. New fiscal year, new budgets, and new charge numbers. The other thing you might have noticed in Oracle is that the new system shows your vacation as it is earned instead of what you are entitled to as it did in the past. See myCNL posting (http://mycnl/News/Company_News_2017/Access_to_your_leave_records.htm).

This change is due to an upgrade to the Oracle system and does not represent any change to the Collective Agreement. Per Article 13.03 of the Collective Agreement, members with 6 or more months of service shall be credited with their leave. As a result of this change you may encounter times when you see a negative leave balance. Managers are aware of the change in Oracle, and this should not affect any members from taking leave. If it does so, please contact us immediately.

We also recommend following the steps in the myCNL posting to create a future dated report to see what leave you are entitled to (e.g., leave entitled by 2018 March 31) and to ensure the upgrade correctly applied your leave details. If you find any errors you should contact your HR Representative to have the mistakes corrected.

CRPEG Bulletin (2017 April 18): Suggestions for changes to our Benefits

The Benefits Committee is planning to once again go to market with our benefits plan. This is done from time to time to ensure that CNL employees get the best value plan. CRPEG is a member of that committee and we are asking for your input/feedback on changes to the benefits package, i.e., if there is any changes to the current extended health care or dental care options that you would like to see included in the benefits package. This is our chance to provide information on changes/enhancements as part of the Request For Proposals. Please provide your feedback to us by 2017 April 21 so that it can be considered.

CRPEG Bulletin (2017 April 18): Fw: PEO’s New Practice Evaluation and Knowledge (PEAK) Program

The PEO asked us to forward this on their behalf. Details are in the attachment.

Speaker: Gerard McDonald, P.Eng., MBA

                  Registrar, PEO

When:     Monday, 2017 May 01

Meet and Greet: 6:30 p.m., Talk: 7:00 p.m.

Where:    J.L. Gray Engineering Centre, Deep River

(Entry via Rear Doors)

Light Refreshments Will Be Served

To register and attend, please email Uditha Senaratne at
peoalgon@cnl.ca by 2017 April 27