Voluntary Termination Compensation

The official signing of the CRPEG collective agreement occurred on 2012 October 25.

Members should expect to see their statement of entitlement from Human Resources within the next 3 months (by 2013 January 25).  Members have 6 months from the date of official signing (2013 April 25) to decide on which option to exercise.  As a reminder, the three options are as follows:

  1. Take it all now at salary rate as of 2012 June 30.
  2. Take it all at retirement or departure from AECL at the salary rate at time of departure.
  3. Take some now and some later.

If you do nothing, then you are deemed to have chosen option 2.

CRPEG does not provide financial advice to members, nor will CRPEG be sponsoring any financial seminars.

The following information is from Canada Revenue Agency (www.cra.gc.ca):

Retiring Allowances:

There are situations when a person can transfer all or part of a retiring allowance to a registered pension plan (RPP) or a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). For more information, go to Transfer of a retiring allowance.

Transfer of a retiring allowance Employees with years of service before 1996 may be able to directly transfer all or part of a retiring allowance to a registered pension plan (RPP) or a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). This part is commonly referred to as the eligible portion or the amount eligible for transfer. A retiring allowance may include an eligible portion and a non-eligible portion.

A retiring allowance may be paid over one or more years. The amounts paid in any particular year may be transferred to an RRSP or an RPP. The amounts transferred cannot exceed the employee’s eligible portion of the retiring allowance minus the eligible portion transferred by you in a prior year.

The amount that is eligible for transfer under section 60(j.1) of the Income Tax Act is limited to:

  • $2,000 for each year or part of a year before 1996 that the employee or former employee worked for you (or a person related to you); plus
  • $1,500 for each year or part of a year before 1989 of that employment in which none of your contributions to the RPP or deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP) were vested in the employee’s name when you paid the retiring allowance. To determine the equivalent number of years of vesting, refer to the terms of the particular plan. The number can be a fraction.

You can only transfer the eligible portion of the retiring allowance under paragraph 60(j.1) of the Act to the employee’s own RRSP or to an RPP under which your employee is the annuitant. The eligible portion cannot be directly transferred to a spousal or common-law partner’s RRSP under paragraph 60(j.1) of the Act. If you transfer the amount to an RPP, you may have to report a pension adjustment (PA). For information, contact your plan administrator.

Your employee may choose not to use all or any portion of the amount eligible for transfer under paragraph 60(j.1) of the Act. If your employee has available RRSP deduction limit, your employee may transfer some or all of the retiring allowance to a spousal or common-law partner RRSP up to his or her RRSP deduction limit.

Your employee may also ask you to transfer some or all of the non-eligible portion of the retiring allowance to his or her RRSP, or to a spousal or common-law partner’s RRSP. The non-eligible portion of a retiring allowance is the amount that exceeds the amount eligible for direct transfer. The part that you transfer cannot be more than the employee’s available RRSP deduction limit for the year.

You do not have to deduct income tax on the amount of eligible retiring allowance that is transferred directly to an employee’s RRSP or to an RPP on behalf of the employee. You also do not have to deduct income tax on any part of the retiring allowance that your employee transfers to a spousal or common-law partner’s RRSP if you have reasonable grounds to believe your employee can deduct the RRSP contribution when filing his or her personal income tax and benefit return. For more information, see the section called “RRSP contributions you withhold from remuneration” in Chapter 5 of Guide T4001, Employers’ Guide – Payroll Deductions and Remittances.

The portion of the retiring allowance paid in each year that is eligible for transfer should be reported in the “Other information” area, using code 66 (code 68 in the case of an Indian). Amounts not eligible for transfer are reported in the “Other information” area using code 67 (code 69 in the case of an Indian). For example, if an employee receives $60,000 payable in instalments of $10,000 over 6 years and has an eligible amount of $40,000, the employee can choose how they want the eligible and non-eligible portions applied to the instalment payments in each year.

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

President Vince Frisina (DN-44946)
Vice President Jonathan Fitzpatrick (DN-44067)
Chief Steward Wade Mayo (DN-43755)
Treasurer Kristine Drew (DN-45252)
Secretary Raghu Rao (DN-44500)
PIPSC Relations Henrik Andersen (DN-44227)
Negotiations Noel Harrison (DN-46529)
Communications Joe Magill (DN-46886)
Special Assignments John Montin (DN-46339)
Member at Large Matt Crowe (DN-43659)
Member at Large William Visneski (DN-46327)
Member at Large David Wang (DN-46590)

CRPEG Stewards:

Trevor Dykman (DN-43110)
Phyllis Heeney (DN-46899)
Pankaj Panchal (DN-46655)
Bill Richmond (DN-43860)
Curtis Russell (DN-46759)
Jonathan Williams (DN-43051)
 Note:  All members of the Executive and Members at Large are also CRPEG Stewards.

CRPEG Members At Large

The CRPEG Executive would like to welcome three new Members at Large.   The Executive appoints Members at Large to participate in Executive meetings and discussions in a non-voting capacity.  This provides members the opportunity to be more engaged in Executive and Steward activities to support the membership.

New Members at Large:

  • Matt Crowe
  • Bill Visneski
  • David Wang

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

President Vince Frisina (DN-44946)
Vice President Jonathan Fitzpatrick (DN-44067)
Chief Steward Wade Mayo (DN-43755)
Treasurer Kristine Drew (DN-45252)
Secretary Raghu Rao (DN-44500)
PIPSC Relations Henrik Andersen (DN-44227)
Negotiations Noel Harrison (DN-46529)
Communications Joe Magill (DN-46886)
Special Assignments John Montin (DN-46339)
Member at Large Matt Crowe (DN-43659)
Member at Large William Visneski (DN-46327)
Member at Large David Wang (DN-46590)

CRPEG Stewards:

Trevor Dykman (DN-43110)
Phyllis Heeney (DN-46899)
Pankaj Panchal (DN-46655)
Bill Richmond (DN-43860)
Curtis Russell (DN-46759)
Jonathan Williams (DN-43051)
 Note:  All members of the Executive and Members at Large are also CRPEG Stewards.

New CRPEG Website

CRPEG has switched to a new service provider and changed its web site.  The new web site uses open source blogging software available at WordPress.org.  We hope you like the new look and feel of the web site.

The website address remains the same – www.crpeg.ca.  Comments and suggestions about the web site can be emailed to crpeg@crpeg.ca or the webmaster Bill Richmond at DN 43860.

Official Signing of CRPEG Collective Agreement

The CRPEG Collective Agreement for 2011 July 01 to 2014 June 30 was officially signed in a ceremony held at CRL yesterday afternoon.

The agreement is now available on myAECL at under “Employee Central”, “Employee Relations”, “Chalk River Professional Employees Group”.  The link from crpeg.ca (from the black menu bar – under “Documents”, “CRPEG Contract”) will be updated shortly.

Pocket size copies of the contract will be distributed to the membership in the future.

We would like to take this opportunity to again thank PIPSC for their support through the negotiation process, especially Jamie Dunn (PIPSC Negotiator), Pippa Gherson (PIPSC Research Officer) and Gary Corbett (PIPSC President).

Large Format
CRPEG Agreement Signing Ceremony – Union and Company Negotiators
In the photo are:
Seated (left to right): Brock Sanderson, Gary Corbett, Jamie Dunn
Standing (left to right): Sarah Epps, Colette Taylor, Henrik Andersen, John Montin, Vince Frisina, Pippa Gherson, John Felix, Raghu Rao, Jonathan Fitzpatrick, Kristine Drew, Noel Harrison
Missing: Gary Adams, Joe Magill, Wade Mayo, Margaret Thurner
CRPEG and PIPSC Officials At Signing Ceremony
Left to right:
Henrik Andersen, Jonathan Fitzpatrick, Jamie Dunn, John Montin, Raghu Rao, Vince Frisina, Gary Corbett, Pippa Gherson, Kristine Drew, Noel Harrison
Missing: Joe Magill, Wade Mayo
AECL’s Brock Sanderson and PIPSC President Gary Corbett Arm Wrestling
On the left – Brock Sanderson
On the right – Gary Corbett

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

President Vince Frisina (DN-44946)
Vice President Jonathan Fitzpatrick (DN-44067)
Chief Steward Wade Mayo (DN-43755)
Treasurer Kristine Drew (DN-45252)
Secretary Raghu Rao (DN-44500)
PIPSC Relations Henrik Andersen (DN-44227)
Negotiations Noel Harrison (DN-46529)
Communications Joe Magill (DN-46886)
Special Assignments John Montin (DN-46339)

Annual General Meeting & New Executive

Many thanks to all the CRPEG members who attended last night’s AGM.

There was excellent participation and discussion on a wide variety of topics including the CRPEG Scholarship, Proposed Changes to the Engineering Act, Voluntary Termination Package, and Proposed Changes to the Public Service Superannuation Act.

Our thanks also goes to Tim Sykes for his contributions as the Nominations Chair and conducting the Election of Officers.

You will be seeing more of the CRPEG logo as attendees to the AGM received hats and scarves to promote union solidarity in the workplace.

The CRPEG Executive for 2013 is:

President Vince Frisina (DN-44946)
Vice President Jonathan Fitzpatrick (DN-44067)
Chief Steward Wade Mayo (DN-43755)
Treasurer Kristine Drew (DN-45252)
Secretary Raghu Rao (DN-44500)
PIPSC Relations Henrik Andersen (DN-44227)
Negotiations Noel Harrison (DN-46529)
Communications Joe Magill (DN-46886)
Special Assignments John Montin (DN-46339)

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good 

The Executive Page (accessed from the black menu under the CRPEG logo) has been updated with the 2013 executive.  CRPEG stewards are also listed at this location.


Reminder of the CRPEG and Chalk River Branch Annual General Meetings 2012 October 24

This is a reminder of the CRPEG and Chalk River Branch AGMs on Wednesday 2012 October 24 at the Chalk River Lions Hall. The hall will open at 5:00 pm and the meeting will commence at 5:30 pm.

Tim Sykes is the Chair of the Nominations Committee. Please contact Tim if you are interested in running for a position on the CRPEG Executive.

The CRPEG Executive is proposing that the Group and Branch AGMs be conducted simultaneously to the following agenda.


  • Approval of Agenda
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • President’s Message
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Old Business
  • Election of CRPEG Officers
  • Motion on Election of CRB Officers – CRPEG Executive be appointed as the Chalk River Branch Executive
  • Collective Bargaining Update
  • New Business – Open discussion on issues/concerns of the membership

Here are links to the previous AGM minutes, financial statements, and proposed budgets. Members are encouraged to bring their own copy of the documents when they attend since hard copies will not be provided at the meeting.

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

CRPEG Executive:

President Vince Frisina (DN-44946)
Vice President (acting) Jonathan Fitzpatrick (DN-44067)
Chief Steward Wade Mayo (DN-43755)
Treasurer Raghu Rao (DN-44500)
Secretary Noel Harrison (DN-46529)
PIPSC Relations Henrik Andersen (DN-44227)
Negotiations Jonathan Fitzpatrick (DN-44067)
Communications Joe Magill (DN-46886)
Special Assignments John Montin (DN-46339)

Member at Large Kristine Drew (DN-44152)

CRPEG Stewards:

Matt Crowe (DN-43659)
Trevor Dykman (DN-43110)
Phyllis Heeney (DN-46899)
Pankaj Panchal (DN-46655)
Bill Richmond (DN-43860)
Curtis Russell (DN-46759)
William Visneski (DN-46327)
David Wang (DN-46590)
Jonathan Williams (DN-43051)

Announcement of 2012 Annual General Meetings

Announcement of AGMs:

The CRPEG and Chalk River Branch Annual General Meetings (AGMs) will be held on Wednesday 2012 October 24 at the Chalk River Lions Hall. The hall will open at 5:00 pm and the meeting will commence at 5:30 pm.

Tim Sykes is the Chair of the Nominations Committee. Please contact Tim if you are interested in running for a position on the CRPEG Executive.

The CRPEG Executive is proposing that the Group and Branch AGMs be conducted simultaneously to the following agenda. The Minutes of Meeting and Financial Statements will follow in a separate e-mail.


  • Approval of Agenda
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • President’s Message
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Old Business
  • Election of CRPEG Officers
  • Motion on Election of CRB Officers – CRPEG Executive be appointed as the Chalk River Branch Executive
  • Collective Bargaining Update
  • New Business – Open discussion on issues/concerns of the membership

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

CRPEG Executive:

President Vince Frisina (DN-44946)
Vice President (acting) Jonathan Fitzpatrick (DN-44067)
Chief Steward Wade Mayo (DN-43755)
Treasurer Raghu Rao (DN-44500)
Secretary Noel Harrison (DN-46529)
PIPSC Relations Henrik Andersen (DN-44227)
Negotiations Jonathan Fitzpatrick (DN-44067)
Communications Joe Magill (DN-46886)
Special Assignments John Montin (DN-46339)

Member at Large Kristine Drew (DN-44152)

CRPEG Stewards:

Matt Crowe (DN-43659)
Trevor Dykman (DN-43110)
Phyllis Heeney (DN-46899)
Pankaj Panchal (DN-46655)
Bill Richmond (DN-43860)
Curtis Russell (DN-46759)
William Visneski (DN-46327)
David Wang (DN-46590)
Jonathan Williams (DN-43051)

2012 CRPEG Scholarship Winner

CRPEG Executive is pleased to announce the winner of this year’s CRPEG Scholarship is Ewan Craig from Mackenzie Community School in Deep River.  The value of the scholarship is $3000.

Congratulations to Ewan, and we wish him all the best in his studies in Modern Languages at Laurentian University.

Thanks again goes to the CRPEG Scholarship Committee members, Heather Chaput, Peter Poruks and Paul Jones, for their work and dedication in making this year’s scholarship selection.

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

Negotiations Update

The CRPEG membership ratified the tentative agreement that was reached on July 12th.  See this link for further information.

The CRPEG Executive would like to thank Jamie Dunn (PIPSC negotiator) for his excellent leadership and guidance throughout negotiations, the CRPEG negotiating team for all of their hard work and long hours, and PIPSC for their support with the information picket, media releases and sponsoring the BBQ.

Thank you to the Organizing Committee and many volunteers who put on the BBQ last night, everything was excellent.

Thank you to Gary Corbett (PIPSC President), Debi Daviau (PIPSC Vice-President), and John Courtney (PIPSC NCR Director) for joining us at the ratification meeting.  Your presence was greatly appreciated.

Finally, thanks go to our members for their patience and understanding throughout this long negotiations round, and for their overwhelming support given to the Executive to achieve a settlement.