CRPEG is now on the Facebook. Please join and discuss important issues with other members. The membership is only open to the current CRPEG members.

Chalk River Professional Employees Group (CRPEG)
A group of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC)
CRPEG is now on the Facebook. Please join and discuss important issues with other members. The membership is only open to the current CRPEG members.
Hello CRPEG members,
Your Bargaining team met with the Company June 18-20. Both parties were able to present their proposals on various topics, including counters to some of previously presented proposals.
Key articles of discussions included joint consultation Non-Continuing Professional Personnel Committee (NCPPC), Institute representation, company rules, Career and Professional Development, Workforce Adjustment Process, and Employee Performance Appraisals.
We signed off on some previously agreed-upon proposals. We are also in the process of finalizing the CAAT pension language and moving some Company Policy language into the collective agreement. Monetary topics have not been discussed yet.
Negotiations are progressing but there is still lots of work to be done by both parties. Your negotiations team is working on a variety of items to prepare for the next session of negotiations scheduled for July 23–25, 2024 with another session in September.
As always, we value your feedback. Please share your thoughts and suggestions with us via email at
In solidarity,
Your negotiation team,
Dear CRPEG Members,
We would like to provide you with an update on the recent negotiations held between CRPEG and the company. Over the course of three days, your negotiations team engaged in extensive discussions covering several topics. While the monetary aspect has not yet been addressed, we delved into key areas such as Grievance Process Enhancement, Hours of Work, and Remote Work.
Thank you to all of you who answered the survey on Hours of Work. Your input will greatly inform our deliberations on this important issue.
Throughout the sessions, an atmosphere of collaboration prevailed. We engaged in interest-based discussions, exchanging proposals and addressing each other’s concerns with diligence. We also were able to sign off some of the agreed upon administrative items.
As negotiations progress, we find ourselves delving into the technicalities of the process. While the pace may seem slow, it is indicative of our commitment to thoroughness and precision.
Looking ahead, we have scheduled additional negotiation sessions with the company over the next several months. Our next meeting is scheduled for May 14-16.
As always, please share your comments, questions, or feedback with us at
Thank you for your continued support and engagement. We remain committed to advocating for your rights and interests.
In solidarity,
Your Negotiations Team
Hello CRPEG members,
CRPEG is submitting three separate proposals for the 2024 round of negotiations for the renewal of the CRPEG collective agreement; administrative changes (presented November 09, 2023), general non-monetary proposals presented in this last session on December 7th, and salary proposals to be presented in the new year. A number of negotiation meetings have been scheduled in 2024 in January, February and April.
The CRPEG membership has given the bargaining team a clear mandate: improve working conditions, promote members’ rights and interests, and vigorously safeguard professional standards. In this round, we will build on the successes the parties collectively achieved in previous rounds since 1993. Our goal, as always, is to reach a fair and equitable agreement at the bargaining table. The agreement is a mature agreement and as such a thorough review of the terms and benefits was necessary. The terms of the contract have been relatively stagnant for a considerable period of time, with only minor changes to benefits and conditions.
The company faces significant hurdles in attracting and retaining the staff required to meet its goals. The number of vacancies for professional scientists and engineers for bargaining unit positions remains high. Our members consistently report that they are overworked due to insufficient staffing.
Together, we must learn how to be successful in addressing challenges of an ever-changing work environment, which includes remote work and on site work. After several years of working within this changing environment, we now have experience to help interpret and shape articles and conditions to produce clearer guidelines for our working environment. Changes made during the past pandemic require refinement given the benefit of hindsight, and areas of neglect need new attention and refreshing based on current real-world conditions.
It is our hope that these will be approached with open minds on both sides. With all of the changes going on around us, the CRPEG commits to think creatively and work openly and honestly together with the Company to reach our goal of a fair agreement that fully recognizes the professional work of the membership.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the negotiations team via the following email address:
In solidarity,
Your CRPEG Negotiations Team
The CRPEG Collective Agreement for 2021 January 01 – 2023 December 31 was officially signed in a ceremony held at CRL on 2022 September 06 afternoon.
We have uploaded the unsigned version under the Collective Agreement page. A fully signed version, when ready, will be uploaded on that page as well as on the PIPSC website and on myCNL under the “Employee Relations” section.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the PIPSC bargaining team for their dedication and their continuous support throughout this process, especially:
Our special thanks to CRPEG bargaining committee members and most of all we would like to thank CRPEG members for their continuous support.
CRPEG is holding an information picket on Tuesday morning March 1, 2022, at the outer gate on the Plant Road starting at 6 AM. Please be advised of possible traffic delays. A pamphlet (see below) will be distributed to employees.
CRPEG will be in a legal strike position on March 14 at 12.01 AM. Your CRPEG negotiations team has communicated its willingness to return to bargaining with the company and the help of the mediator. The Company has not reached out to resume negotiations.
The CRPEG bargaining team met with the employer on Dec. 17 & 18, 2020. This meeting was a good start to the negotiations. A small number of administrative changes were agreed to and signed off. The negotiations will resume with dates in January and February, 2021.
Following best practices in this time of Covid-19, the negotiations are being conducted virtually. There are a number of technical issues with the socially distant set-up, including lack of bandwidth, but the teams are committed to working together virtually.
Thank you all for your continued support and Happy Holidays. Stay safe and take care.
Your bargaining team.
The collective agreement between Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada in respect of the Chalk River Professional Employees Group (CRPEG) was signed on April 10, 2019 during a special signing ceremony at the Chalk River site.
With the transfer from active contributors to the Public Service Pension Plan complete some of our members have been approached with the “opportunity” to cash out their defined benefit pension plans and invest this money with a local financial advisor or investment advisor.
Ultimately everyone is responsible for making their own decisions about retirement planning. The CRPEG executive would like to remind you that there are a variety of considerations you need to take into account when removing money from any pension, but especially one with a defined benefit that is backed by the Government of Canada. One of the unique benefits offered to qualifying members of the public service pension plan is access to subsidized medical and drug coverage. This coverage is unique in the pension industry and its value cannot be over-stated. Additionally, as a defined benefit pension, the amount of retirement income available to the member is guaranteed and it is adjusted annually based on inflation.
When seeking financial advice it is not always clear how the individual advising you is being compensated. The Government of Canada has set up a web page about savings and investments that has advice on choosing a financial service provider and what questions you should be asking. In Canada there are two classifications of financial services, a financial advisor who manages your money, and a financial planner who helps you plan for retirement. Only the financial planner has a fiduciary (legal) obligation to always act in your best interest. The Financial Planning Standards Council recommends that an individual consult both a financial planner and a financial advisor with the caveat that the best practice is to have these be two separate entities, to remove conflict of interest.
For more information, please see:
We are pleased to announce that the ratification vote of the new collective agreement has passed. The contract has therefore been ratified by the membership.
Thank you to all those who came out to last night’s (06/12/2018) vote.
Our next steps will be to work with the company to incorporate the new changes into the text of the agreement, sign it, and arrange for distribution of copies to the members.
With respect to increases and retroactive payments, we will discuss with the company their ability to respond and provide additional details where possible.
Thank you to our negotiations team for their dedication, professionalism, and hard work throughout the process.
We would also like to thank our volunteers and scrutineers for their time, commitment, and involvement.
Best wishes to all, and Merry Christmas!