CRPEG Bulletin (2016 December 21): Happy Holiday Cheer

As we all head to into the holiday shutdown (for a much deserved break) the Executive, on behalf of themselves and the stewards, would like to invite you to say hi, and have a cup of coffee and doughnut with us.

We’ll be at the following locations Thursday, December 22nd

CRL Cafeteria -7:00 – 9:00

JL Gray Cafeteria – 9:00-10:30

Morrison gymnasium – 7:30-9:00

Keys Lunchroom – 10:00-10:30

At this time, we’d also like to take this opportunity wish a safe and wonderful holiday season to you and your family. In the spirit of well wishes, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

CRPEG Bulletin (2016 December 8): Negotiations Information Request – CRPEG Section Heads

As you know we are in negotiations. One of the items we are discussing is the responsibility of Section Heads and whether they are being recognized appropriately. Early in our discussion it was recognized that what section heads do and how they are recognized varied greatly with the small amount of experiences in the negotiating teams. It would be extremely helpful to the process if you would take a couple of minutes and answer the following questions:

1. Are you a Section Head?

2. Where do you work in the organization? R&D, Operations, Decomissioning…

3. How did you become a Section Head? Volunteer? Voluntold? Applied to a posted position?

4. What is the range of duties you perform as the Section Head in your Branch? More detail the better.

5. How does that differ from your colleagues or those you supervise?

6. What expectations with respect to Section Head are you given by your manager, in terms of work

performed, levels of authority and your accountability?

7. Are your contributions recognized for an enhanced level of service or accountability as Section

Head, and in what manner are those contributions recognized?

We will be grouping the information and removing any identifying references before anything is shared with the company negotiating team. You can respond to this email or if you prefer, you can respond to our external email, Thank you for your input.

CRPEG Bulletin (2016 December 5): PIPSC Annual General Meeting

The PIPSC annual general meeting was held in Ottawa on November 18 and 19. Three delegates from CRPEG joined 455 others from the various unions represented by PIPSC to vote on by-law amendments and resolutions, and to hear from the PIPSC president.

The Hon. Scott Brison, Treasury Board president, a guest speaker at this year’s AGM, spoke about the benefits of unions and promoted a fair and balanced approach to negotiations with unions and employers on equal footing. He highlighted the return to evidence based decision making under the new government, where the work of government scientists was central to decision making. For those who are interested, his speech was recorded and is available on the PIPSC website:


Debi Daviau, our PIPSC president, followed Mr. Brison with the opening address of the AGM. She highlighted the numerous changes under the new government; the repealing of the anti-union legislation C377 and C525, as well as a partial repeal of the legacy C4, which affected health and safety provisions, human rights protection, and collective bargaining rights of federal workers. PIPSC’s areas of focus for the coming year were introduced: to improve bargaining, to stop outsourcing, to preserve scientific integrity, to promote tax fairness, and to defend pensions. It was during this part of her address that she chose to highlight CRPEG’s fight to ensure a fair pension for CRL employees.

“On pensions, we continue to fight on a number of fronts. We are supporting our New Brunswick members in their fight against the provincial government’s move from a Defined Benefit pension plan to a Shared Risk Plan. At Chalk River, we are mounting a campaign to retain the pension provisions of our members which have been undermined in the wake of a public private partnership.”

Further details of the opening address and the presidents speaking notes are available on the PIPSC website: (

The rest of the two days were by and large filled with by-law amendments and resolutions. Full details of

all the proposed by-law amendments and resolutions, along with the results of delegate voting, are

available on the PIPSC website:


The one item in particular that will be of interest to all members, which was discussed at CRPEG’s own AGM in October, is the PIPSC proposal to increase our monthly dues by $10 per month. The dues increase will become effective starting January 2017. The justification for this dues increase is explained on the attached PIPSC brochures(f4variancereport.en duesincreasehandout.en) , but can be summarized thusly: Dues have not kept pace with the rate of inflation, and in the absence of an increase, the institutes reserve funds will be exhausted by the end of 2017. This motion, put forward by the PIPSC board of directors, was carried with a vote of 218 for and 155 against. The CRPEG executive encourages you to review the attached documents, and forward any questions to the executive.

CRPEG Bulletin (2016 November 30): MyHR transition to Oracle

In September CNL migrated the information residing with MyHR to Oracle. As with any migration of data there can be hiccups. We encourage you to review your details in oracle for accuracy of the information.

If there are any inconsistencies with the information in Oracle you should contact your Labour Relations

Associate immediately (HR).

CRPEG Bulletin (2016 Nov 28): Issues with Approval of Banked Time

Some members have brought forward issues around the approval of banked time. Specifically:

•Accumulation of banked time limited to 2.5 hours per week

•Allowed to bank time for the 3.5 days for the Christmas shutdown only

•Unreasonable denial of banked time requests

The CRPEG Executive is asking anyone who has had any issues with banked time requests to please let us know at your earliest convenience. If you have any concerns about using the Company e-mail system you can respond to Jonathan’s personal e-mail address: . To ensure confidentiality, any issues raised will be brought to the Company at the Division level.

Members are reminded that there have been no changes to the banked time provisions.

That is:

Members may elect to accumulate extra hours on a straight time basis to a maximum of seventy five hours

for day workers and 4 shifts for shift workers. The accumulation of extra hours must be on productive work with the prior approval of management. Opportunities to accumulate banked time will not be unreasonably denied.