CRPEG Bulletin (2014 July 31) – Update on Negotiations

As mentioned in the 2014 July 11 bulletin, CRPEG/PIPSC has reached an impasse in bargaining and filed a Notice of Dispute on 2014 July 11.

The Director General, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services, has appointed Mr. Thomas P. Dinan, Conciliation Officer/Mediator, as Conciliation Officer for the negotiations between CRPEG and AECL.  Conciliation is a process by which a Conciliator assists the trade union and the employer in resolving their differences so that they can reach a collective agreement.

CRPEG/PIPSC is working with AECL and Mr. Dinan to arrange future meeting dates.

CRPEG:  A Partner in AECL Restructuring.  Let’s “Do It Right”

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good
Note: Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.