CRPEG Bulletin (2014 July 31) – Update on Negotiations

As mentioned in the 2014 July 11 bulletin, CRPEG/PIPSC has reached an impasse in bargaining and filed a Notice of Dispute on 2014 July 11.

The Director General, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services, has appointed Mr. Thomas P. Dinan, Conciliation Officer/Mediator, as Conciliation Officer for the negotiations between CRPEG and AECL.  Conciliation is a process by which a Conciliator assists the trade union and the employer in resolving their differences so that they can reach a collective agreement.

CRPEG/PIPSC is working with AECL and Mr. Dinan to arrange future meeting dates.

CRPEG:  A Partner in AECL Restructuring.  Let’s “Do It Right”

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good
Note: Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.

CRPEG Bulletin (2014 July 11): Update on Negotiations

CRPEG has reached an impasse in contract negotiations with AECL. As a result, earlier today PIPSC has filed a Notice of Dispute with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. This notification starts the conciliation process, whereby AECL and CRPEG will continue negotiations with the assistance of a Conciliator.

At this time, a number of bargaining issues remain unresolved. With the transition of AECL to a GOCO model, pension and job security are central to the Union’s position in bargaining. AECL has stated that they are unwilling or unable to discuss these issues in collective bargaining. This is the situation that has lead to the dispute.

We are confident we can reach an agreement on all issues if AECL is willing to talk about them, and are planning an appropriate strategy to engage them.

CRPEG:  A Partner in AECL Restructuring.  Let’s “Do It Right”

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good
Note: Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.

CRPEG Bulletin (2014 July 7): PIPSC response to Target Benefit Pension Plans

Attached you will find the response from PIPSC on the Department of Finance consultation paper on Target Benefit Pension Plans.

CRPEG fully supports the PIPSC position on Target Benefit Pensions.

Our position is that any successor pension plan must be equal to or better than the existing pension plan. This is consistent with CRPEG’s position with the “Do it Right” campaign as AECL transitions to a GOCO model.

CRPEG:  A Partner in AECL Restructuring.  Let’s “Do It Right”

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good
Note: Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.

CRPEG Bulletin (2014 July 02): Call for Volunteers

At one time, CRPEG had a representative within each Branch or Building on the CRL site. CRPEG is in the process of re-establishing this network with the goal of improving communication within the group.

If you are interested in becoming a CRPEG Branch or Building representative, please contact a member of the CRPEG Executive or a CRPEG Steward.

CRPEG:  A Partner in AECL Restructuring.  Let’s “Do It Right”

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good
Note: Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.