PIPSC Special Election for Vice-President, full time

Members are reminded of the PIPSC special election for Full time Vice-President which closes on Monday April 28.  All registered members of PIPSC should have received their voting information by now.

Please review the candidate biographies, and place your vote.  Participation in PIPSC elections is an important part of your membership.

Candidate bio’s can be found here:  http://www.pipsc.ca/portal/page/portal/website/news/events/elections/special_election2014/bios

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good
Note: Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.

Update on Contract Negotiations

The first session of collective bargaining took place April 9 & 10 for the renewal of our Collective Agreement.  Discussions centered on the preparation of a Maintenance of Services Agreement and Initial Proposal Exchange.

The next bargaining session is scheduled for the last week of May.

Further updates will be provided as negotiations progress.

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good
Note: Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.