CRPEG Bulletin (2013 October 24) – AGM and New Executive

Many thanks to all the CRPEG members who attended last night’s AGM.

Thank you to John Montin for his many years of service on the CRPEG Executive.

Our thanks also goes to Tim Sykes for his contributions as the Nominations Chair and conducting the Election of Officers.

The CRPEG Executive for 2014 are:


Jonathan Fitzpatrick


Vice President

Vince Frisina


Chief Steward

Wade Mayo



Bill Visneski



Raghu Rao


PIPSC Relations

Henrik Andersen



Noel Harrison



Joe Magill


Special Assignments

Don Ryland


CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

Note:  Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.

CRPEG Bulletin (2013-10-07) – Membership Survey Coming

In preparation for the upcoming negotiation of the CRPEG collective agreement, we will be asking members to complete a survey.  The survey results are used by the CRPEG Executive to set bargaining priorities.

The survey will only be available online.  Participation in the survey requires a valid PIPSC membership number and an e-mail address.  A home or work e-mail can be used.

Please ensure that you have your PIPSC membership number and that your e-mail address on file with PIPSC is current.

If you are not a PIPSC member, you can register online to be a PIPSC member

PIPSC Membership Application

If you are a PIPSC member but can’t remember your membership number

Forgot Membership Number

CRPEG Executive

Working Together For The Public Good
Note:  Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.

CRPEG Bulletin (2013-10-03) – PEO Professional Practice Exam Webinar

Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) will host an Engineer-In-Training (EIT) webinar on November 6.  The topic will be on preparing for the Professional Practice Exam.  Guest speaker, Grant Boundy, P.Eng., will lead an interactive hour with attendees.  Mr. Boundy will discuss best approaches for successfully tackling the Professional Practice Exam.

To participate, you will require a computer and internet connection to view the presentation and a telephone to dial into the conference bridge.

The webinar will take place on: 


To register, please respond to Emily Sabo with your PEO file number.

Once registration is confirmed you will receive the weblink, conference bridge details and reference material.  Registrations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis, and is limited to 100 participants.


This seminar has been arranged by PIPSC as a follow-up to the PIPSC Compliance Plan.  Registration is open to all members who will be writing the Professional Practice Exam.  It is recommended for anyone who will be writing the exam in December.

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CRPEG Executive

Working Together For The Public Good
Note:  Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.