December 2013 CNWC Newsletter

The Canadian Nuclear Workers Council (CNWC) has issued their December 2013 newsletter.  A free copy of the newsletter in either English or French is available at the links below:

CNWC Newsletter December 2013 (English)
CCTN Newsletter December 2013 (Français)

CRPEG is a proud member of the Canadian Nuclear Workers Council (CNWC) (see link). The Canadian Nuclear Workers’ Council is an organization of unions that represent workers in various areas of the Canadian nuclear industry, including electric utilities, uranium mining & processing, radioisotope production and nuclear research.

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

Note:  Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.

CRPEG Bulletin (2013-11-12) – PIPSC AGM and Dues Increase

CRPEG Membership Survey: 

CRPEG Members registered with PIPSC will have received an e-mail requesting their participation in a membership survey.  The survey results will be used to set priorities for bargaining of the next collective agreement. The deadline for the survey is 2013 November 22.  Additional comments or suggestions can be sent to Jonathan Fitzpatrick, Noel Harrison or Vince Frisina.

2013 PIPSC Election for President:

Online voting for the election of PIPSC President has commenced.  PIPSC members will have received an e-mail with their unique 12-character ballot key.  Voting will close on 2013 December 4.  If you require assistance contact Tammy Roussel at 1-800-267-0446 extension 2240 or by e-mail at

PIPSC AGM and Dues Increase: 

  • The PIPSC Annual General Meeting was held in Ottawa on November 8 & 9.
  • Delegates from CRPEG were Vince Frisina, Henrik Andersen, Raghu Rao and David Wang.
  • Jonathan Fitzpatrick attended as an observer to receive the well-deserved President Achievement Award for raising the profile of professionalism in the public service by promoting and facilitating members achieving registration with the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO).
  • Guest speaker at the AGM was former Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page.
  • The newest membership engagement initiative – Better Together was officially launched.
  • Candidates for PIPSC President participated in a forum to express their platform and respond to questions from the AGM delegates.
  • Amongst the many motions debated at the PIPSC AGM, the delegates approved a $7 increase in monthly dues to start in 2014 January.

See press release from PIPSC AGM:

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

Note:  Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.

Chalk River Professional Employees Group Bargaining Survey 2014

To All Members:

The Collective Agreement between CRPEG and Atomic Energy of Canada expires on June 30, 2014.  In order to assist your Bargaining Committee during the upcoming bargaining round, we would appreciate that you complete the following questionnaire.  The results of this survey, together with information from previous questionnaires, and other problems with the current collective agreement, which have come to the attention of your Group Executive and the PIPSC Representative/Negotiator, will enable your Bargaining Committee to determine the issues to be addressed.  Your cooperation is essential to help the Committee draft the Group’s bargaining proposals.

All individual responses will be treated anonymously and in strict confidence by the Executive/Negotiating Team and Institute analysts.

If you have any additional comments or suggestions or if you wish to discuss any concerns you may have regarding collective bargaining in greater detail, please contact Vince Frisina or Jonathan Fitzpatrick.

The deadline for the survey is November 22, 2013.

Thank you for your assistance.

CRPEG Executive
Working Together For The Public Good

Note:  Link to list of Executive embedded in CRPEG Executive.